Before joining the team in Spring of 2023 as a CAD Operator, Catherine graduated from New York City College of Technology, with an Architectural Technology degree. She has also been a part of independent research on various casting strategies. Specifically, Catherine has conducted a fabric casting project that resulted in a nearly 40% reduction in material waste. At MEA, she has been able to contribute to several significant projects and has been recognized for her work with various awards. One of her most enjoyable experiences was working on the CANstruction project with my colleagues, where I was able to learn new techniques and methods to improve structural integrity.
Outside of work, Catherine enjoys spending time with her family in NYC. She likes to explore the city, try new restaurants, and take long walks to discover new sights and experiences. Catherine loves tropical climates and enjoys spending time on the beaches of the Dominican Republic. When asked if she sees the glass half empty or half full, she always sees it as half full. She believes that maintaining a positive mindset is essential to success in both personal and professional life.